
Wednesday 19 November 2014

Unity Is Strength

One day,a flock of doves flew far away from their home in search of food
unity is strength

Dove:Oh! I am tired now.
Dove:Yes, I am tired and hungry now.
Dove:i think we should tell our king that we need to rest somewhere
Dove:Look! Isee something to eat there.
Doves:Yes,those are grains.
Doves:Let us tell our king.

Doves:King,we see grains down there.Should we fly down and eat the grains?
King:Yes.Let us all fly down and eat them.
Doves;Oh no!What is this?
Doves:King,we are trapped.please save us.
Doves:Oh!King please save us.
King:All of you do not worry.All of us will fly together at the same time and will carry the net up.

Hunter:Wait.Do not fly away.
Doves:King,what do we do now?We cannot fly anymore. It is very tough for us.
King:Just wait for a while. My friend mouse lives nearby and he will help us.
Mouse king:Welcome my friend.What happened? Were all of you trapped?
Doves King:Yes,myfrind.We are in trouble.A hunter trapped us.But we managed to escape. Now we need your help.
Mouse King:yes,Sure my friend.
Narrator:The mouse called out to his friends,and in no time,all the mice bit away the net and freed the doves.
Doves King:Thank you for helping us my dear friend.
Mouse King:You are welcome my dear friend.

The moral of the story: Unity is strength.

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