
Friday 5 December 2014

The thirsty crow story

the thirsty crow story

The thirsty crow - a short kids story

Given below is one such short kids story - the story of the thirsty crow - and how the crow used its wits to solve a problem. This is a re-telling of a very old and famous story. This story is often used to exemplify a popular saying, 'Where there is a will there is a way." The thirsty crow when faced with a difficult problem does not give up; rather it tries to find a way to solve the problem, and on getting a brilliant idea it acts with patience and persistence until it solves the problem.
the thirsty crow story

Short kids stories - the thirsty crow

Kalu was a clever crow. He lived in a beautiful village. One day he had flown to the next village to meet with uncle crow. Uncle crow was the oldest crow in the neighborhood. He was quite wise and knew many things. After the visit Kalu was flying back home.
As he was flying, Kalu wished he could get some water to drink. . All that listening had made him really thirsty. But he was flying over a long stretch of fields and there was no pond or any water in sight. "Oh! I am so thirsty. How can I get some water," thought Kalu.

The thirsty crow spots the pot

Kalu looked about here and there as he flew. Now, Kalu had pretty good eyesight. Even while flying fast he could spot things on the ground. So as he was looking about, he saw a pot on the ground below.
Kalu was overjoyed. "Ah! A pot; that must mean water," he thought. He flew down towards the pot.

 thirsty crow finds the water too low  

The thirsty crow does not give up

Just as Kalu was about to give up and fly away, some words he had heard from uncle crow came to his mind. The wise uncle crow had just a little while ago told Kalu, that he should always try to solve a problem and not give up. "Where there is a will there is a way," uncle had impressed upon him.
"What would uncle had done now,' pondered Kalu. "Well he certainly would not have given up."

The thirsty crow gets a brainwave

Kalu looked around for inspiration. He glanced upon a few pebbles lying about. And suddenly he got it. "What an idea," he exclaimed. "A real gem of an idea or I should say a real pebble of an idea!"

crow story

A happy crow

He picked up the pebbles one by one and dropped them into the pot.
And what do you think happened? Well the water in the pot rose higher and higher. He dropped more and more pebbles until the water rose so high that he was able to reach the water. He drank the water and flew away happily.
"Uncle crow is indeed right," he thought. "Where there is a will there is a way."

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